If you find this page, you are one very lucky person. I don't really share this blog to everybody. I just left this like -this.. Just existing.. with me writing and expressing my feelings.
This is too personal for me. This contains emotions that I cannot express totally to my outside world to avoid complications. This is a venue to spill out overflowing emotions in me. Some of here maybe naive, sad, happy, angry, gloomy,excited, in-love, desperate, almost all emotions I can feel is poured here. This is a replacement of my diary.
You know why I choose to be not expressing all of my emotions to the ones I know around me? It's because sometimes if they know all of what you are feeling, everything is tight, to the feeling of you can't breathe, like the feeling of being choked. It's like a solution that is so concentrated or saturated. Another way of saying in tagalog : nakaka-sakal.
When you are going to spill it to the ones whom you don't know, it gives a venue for you to breathe, to get away from the concentrated solution, to dilute the social and emotional climate you are experiencing. Maybe that's why there is really a need for counselors and psychologists, because people like them are there to listen to you and be poured by your overflowing emotions, -with your secrets safe and in good hands because they are professionals and- you don't know them at all or at least they are outside of your tight social surrounding that could sometimes give you stress and difficulties. All you have with a counselor / psychologist is a professional relationship wherein you pay for their services for being there to listen to you and help you solve and be relieved of your little problem. Added to that, they are expert when it comes to that situation because they spent time studying about it. But here in the Philippines, it's a taboo to be referred to a counselor, all the more if it's a psychologist. People would think someone is already crazy. :)
The ironic thing is, my profession is a counselor. Yet I cling to my diaries for relief of the burdens I have inside and the things that bothers my mind. Now, I upgraded from my diaries to this blog. Diaries isn't handy. And if I wouldn't be too careful, it maybe read by my niece and cousins who sometimes visit my room and cuddle with me. Nah, that was way too personal for them to read. Anyway if you could read this, I would feel it's okey because you don't even know me at all personally.
To write my emotions has been my best way of relieving the emotional turmoil that I sometimes have inside. Even though I'm a counselor, I am no perfect and I'm still the same as everybody else that has needs. I'm a normal person indeed, and writing to my diary which is now my blog site, is one of the things I enjoy.
Every person has always something to say about you, with different interpretations depending on their personality. It is beyond our control. I don't really share a lot about me especially the things I share here to the people around me except to those I have close encounters and I am comfortable sharing. I don't like a lot of complications in my life, which maybe the reason why I'm still single until now. But maybe it's okey, I have lived this kind of life since, and still haven't changed.
Welcome to my Diary Page.
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